寒舍集團 X JetFi mobile


為提升旅客的旅行生活品質,寒舍集團旗下的台北寒舍艾美酒店、寒居酒店與礁溪寒沐酒店於10/1-12/31與JetFi mobile合作,推出免費限定的漫遊網路服務。

(1)活動期間官網訂房住客以及寒舍生活APP會員可享一次免費試用JetFi mobile的eSIM APP之亞洲區漫遊網路服務 JetFi活動頁面


請依照官網頁面引導進行開通,更多活動詳情與限制:寒居酒店X JetFi活動頁面
 現在加入寒舍生活APP成為新會員
*【寒舍生活App】iOS <點此下載>
*【寒舍生活App】Android <點此下載>

JetFi mobile簡介
JetFi mobile 以「立足台灣,放眼世界」為目標,2024年推出全台唯一的eSIM APP,結合WiFi租賃服務,打造全方位漫遊平台,並成功將eSIM技術推廣至實體門市。未來,JetFi mobile 將持續推動eSIM APP國際化,為全球用戶帶來全新的網路漫遊體驗。

Our mission is to revolutionize the travel industry by delivering state-of-the-art data solutions that are fast, reliable, affordable, and user-friendly. We are dedicated to serving both outbound and inbound travelers from Taiwan and around the world, ensuring they have access to cutting-edge technology that enhances their travel experiences. By continuously innovating and providing exceptional value, we aim to bring positive transformation to the travel industry

